Good early afternoon Kitchenettes! This is day one of the plan and I happened to have an appointment with a new doctor too. The good news is that my doctor supports it (not that it would have made a difference if she didn't...It's not so wild a plan that I think it needs a physician's approval.) I feel so good about this.
When I wrote a few posts ago about my other projects, I didn't mean stickers, but since that is what I have here today, that is what I'm writing about!
Mark gave me a Xyron sticker maker for my birthday and my in-laws gave me back up adhesive rolls, so I've been having fun experimenting. I plan to make some collaged stickers in the fashion-ey wallet vein later, but today I made some simple ones from a collection of vintage newspapers. This group of stickers comes from the actual pages of two newspapers (one from 1949 and the other from 1950).
I love the lingerie advertisements and you can expect to see more photos as I sort through the entire bag, it could take weeks! The paper is old and fragile. I like seeing the grocery prices...2 boxes of Creamette's noodles for nine cents!
I know I won't win any design awards with the dorm room decor, but I must tell you the light strand on the wall coupled with the glow of the candles in a milk glass planter made for a very sweet and starry night. The odd effect of the light beams going straight and horizontal looked ladder-like and I so wished I could climb them.
I want to share this:
Isn't it amazing? If you read the article you may feel as I do about the last line---it isn't sad to me. I want these beautiful crystals to stay underwater, underground and inaccessible. I think our earth needs them as they are. Doesn't it give you great comfort to know that all over the world there are undiscovered pockets of beauty like this? Deep veins of colored gemstones and hidden caves that remain untouched by humans? I love knowing Mother Earth still has some secrets.
By the way, I'm going to start doing one picture-less post a day of things I feel grateful for. I'll do it just before bed and if anyone would like to join me on their blog or in the comments section here, please feel free. I'll start tonight. I'm going to call each post Thanks Before Dreaming.