This is my third post today. My name is Laura and I have a problem. The sad part is that I'll never run out of things to post about! Learning to drive at 35, my love of aprons, children's books collecting, playwriting, my first official public cooking humiliation...the list goes on and on. Sad, but true. Speaking of sad...
I'm back to work tomorrow, and have spent the past few days organizing this place. I decided to take an hour or so off and head on over to the Salvation Army's half off sale. I spent $13.71 and look at the riches! I apologize for the crappy pictures and lack of artistic display! I just pulled stuff out of the bags and started snapping away. Hey! That rhymed! The children's books must be rubbing off on me.
A set of Melmac dishes for 2.50! They look better in person.
Two tablecloths...this and a turquoise one! I love fringe! By the way, I still haven't posted the best tablecloth find of the year...I'm waiting until Sunday.
These pillowcases for .25 each:
Three yards of this fabric for fifty cents, which some people might consider a real rip-off, but I think it's a steal!
This teeny casserole!
These canning jars which are unique because the lids press down instead of twisting. Perfect for my beads.
This nutty handmade apron (More on my apron collection in a future post...Just call me Donna Reed!)
10 Children's books, most vintage, but a few contemporary. I think I need these two the most! I'm going to give them to my nephew for Christmas. He can drive us all crazy with card tricks the way I drive Mark crazy with my endless supply of made up, but lamer than lame knock-knock jokes.
1962...I like these illustrations...
I found this pretty little bowl for .50
This scarf (a future potholder):
A free copy (they have a bookshelf of freebies) of one of my favorite plays (and movies) of all time; A Man For All Seasons:
And last, but not least one of the contemporary children's looks like Zoe and I would become fast friends "toodleing around" over at Finder's Keepers Thrift Store.
ALL FOR $13.71!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!