Thing are changing in the studio and while I am not ready to share my new project, I would love to share some of my days. Please visit me here when you can...I'm posting regularly:
Thing are changing in the studio and while I am not ready to share my new project, I would love to share some of my days. Please visit me here when you can...I'm posting regularly:
Posted at 12:40 PM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
My just before sleep gratitude list:
I meditated here for about 15 minutes:
Then I walked on the beach for at least an hour:
It was a nice day.
Posted at 08:04 PM in Thanks Before Dreaming | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
Is there really room for a post without pictures in today's blogging world? I'm not sure, but am testing the water today.
It is a gorgeous fall Sunday and by that I mean sunny, bright and yet still very crisp. I had two round trips to Green Bay and except for the dark return home I noticed that the leaves seem to have changed overnight. One day they were green and now so many are tinged with crimson, goldenrod and my favorite...melon. I love sugar maples that turn that peachy canteloupe shade of orange.
Yesterday Selkie, my mother and I took a two hour walk on the Mountain Bay Trail. It was so beautiful that I almost felt like I was on vacation in the mountains. We even saw deer.
I got up early, walked Selkie and then came home and cleaned my closet and got rid of two bags of clothing, shoes and purses. It may not be as traditional to do an autumn purge as it is a spring, but it felt so good. The house feels in semi-good order. Mark cleaned while I was gone yesterday and maybe it was waking up to a clean kitchen that inspired me to do something else, "domestic".
It is on days like today that I wonder why so often I clutter my days with stress and angst over things that may be important and maybe truly stressful, but could probably be pushed aside for a little peace and a quiet mind if only for a few hours. I feel relaxed and as if I could actually sit still and read for awhile and I haven't been able to do that in some time.
I could take Selkie to Pine Woods for a nice long walk, but am not sure I'm going to. She's napping and worn out from yesterday. Sometimes I forget she's still a puppy and take her a little too far down the trail before I realize that she's developed those tired red eyes boxers are famous for.
Normally, on a day like today, I'd have a report about something I decided to cook or bake, but since I am still doing Paleo, there isn't any baking going on. I know there could be, but I haven't been inspired though I may make some applesauce later. In fact, that sounds really good. I just bought a bag of organic apples, so it's doable.
Ok...I convinced's an applesauce kind of day.
Posted at 11:32 AM | Permalink | Comments (4) | TrackBack (0)
Posted at 08:34 PM in Thanks Before Dreaming | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
My just before sleep gratitude list:
Posted at 07:24 PM in Thanks Before Dreaming | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
My just before sleep gratitude journal:
"First do that which is the nearest thing and
then the next thou shall more clearly see."
Quaker saying
Posted at 08:37 PM in Thanks Before Dreaming | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
My just before sleep gratitude list:
Posted at 11:54 PM in Thanks Before Dreaming | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
I was inspired by that dream I wrote of a few weeks ago and decided that it's time to create some inspiration for the masses! I'll be bringing these little treasure boxes to the Farmer's Market on Broadway next Wednesday.
Each one is different and filled with little things like beads, gemstones, buttons, baubles, magnets, inspiring words etc. They are $5 each and I think the little matchboxes can barely contain their pride now that they've been painted and covered in vintage postage! Too sweet and the pefect little gift to keep or give away!
OK, have you visited this blog lately...too much good stuff!
Posted at 09:35 AM in Art/Craft, General Musings, General News | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
My just before sleep gratitude journal:
*I realized awhile ago that I need a little help saving the nice moments of my days. I tend to lose sight of them as one hectic thing after another happens and my Thanks Before Dreaming bedtime ritual helps me reconnect with things that made me happy throughout the day. Creating the list is a good way to start the sleep journey on a positive note and I hope you'll try it in a journal (or blog if you have one) or even right here.
Posted at 08:32 PM in Thanks Before Dreaming | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
My just before sleep gratitude list:
Posted at 07:46 PM in Thanks Before Dreaming | Permalink | Comments (3) | TrackBack (0)
My just before sleep gratitude list:
*I realized awhile ago that I need a little help saving the nice moments of my days. I tend to lose sight of them as one hectic thing after another happens and my Thanks Before Dreaming bedtime ritual helps me reconnect with things that made me happy throughout the day. Creating the list is a good way to start the sleep journey on a positive note and I hope you'll try it in a journal (or blog if you have one) or even right here.
Posted at 09:20 PM in Thanks Before Dreaming | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: gratitude journal, sleep journal, thanks before dreaming
My pre-bedtime Gratitude List:
I love the lullaby playing are the words:
Rest your head to sleep.. Rest your head to sleep. I'm next to you to protect you.. Like sweet precious flowers. I lay you down & you sleep. Care is like a golden key.. To sleep like a small bird.. To wake up to sweet bird songs.. If you sleep Mr North Wind.If you sleep Mr North Wind He gives you a boat full of dreams.. A trip to Sifno & Amourgo.. To help rock you to sleep with the soft ocean waves.. He'll sing a lullaby.. You'll sleep and wake.. Wake and grow.. Oh.
*I realized awhile ago that I need a little help saving the nice moments of my days. I tend to lose sight of them as one hectic thing after another happens and my Thanks Before Dreaming bedtime ritual helps me reconnect with things that made me happy throughout the day. Creating the list is a good way to start the sleep journey on a positive note and I hope you'll try it in a journal (or blog if you have one) or even right here.
Posted at 06:24 AM in Thanks Before Dreaming | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
My pre-bedtime gratitude list:
*I realized awhile ago that I need a little help saving the nice moments of my days. I tend to lose sight of them as one hectic thing after another happens and my Thanks Before Dreaming bedtime ritual helps me reconnect with things that made me happy throughout the day. Creating the list is a good way to start the sleep journey on a positive note and I hope you'll try it in a journal (or blog if you have one).
Posted at 09:11 PM in Thanks Before Dreaming | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
I was lucky enough to score these chalk blocks for pennies at my friend's latest de-stash sale and while I haven't actually used them to draw yet, I'm inspired just by looking at them and will soon.
I'm excited because fall is officially here and I've decided to revive my Thanks Before Dreaming evening blog post series and invite you to join me. I realized awhile ago that I need a little help saving the nice moments of my day. I tend to lose sight of them as one hectic thing after another happens and my Thanks Before Dreaming bedtime ritual helps me reconnect with things that made me happy throughout the day. Creating the list is a good way to start the sleep journey on a positive note and I hope you'll try it in a journal (or blog if you have one).
So, see you tonight and in the meantime...have a good day!
Posted at 10:25 AM in General Musings | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
Last summer I designed a wallet with five inside pockets and one outside pocket that can function as a clutch.
I tested it and used mine for almost a full year before deciding that it was ready to be "presented". Well, I made ten for the Flying Pig Gallery LLC in Algoma (If you haven't visited, you must!) and will be delivering them today.
They are roomier than the normal wallets even though the dimensions are about the same. The same rule applies as far as getting the most out of it and that is to allow it to stretch slowly before over-stuffing it with your cell-phone and lipstick----which it will allow in time. I carry my cell phone in mine, lipstick and I'll admit that I do push it by adding keys!
I love that now you have a total of six pockets and can keep your cards, receipts and paper money separate!'s embarrassing how many times I've shrieked in delight over here!
The new clutches will be at the Flying Pig today and I will have a few at The Green Bay Wednesday Farmer's Market on Broadway on September 28th. My table will be in front of D.I. Y. and I plan to come loaded with goods! The price on the new clutches is $30.00.
I've been making tons of my mini collages (one inch circles)...too cute! I think they will make an appearance at the market as the form of ornaments or pendants...your choice because they will come with a chain or a hook.
I hope you have a great day and here's a little inspiration!
Posted at 09:55 AM in Art/Craft, Wallets | Permalink | Comments (5) | TrackBack (0)